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Şimdi ne oldu Bayan Carlottes?
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Şimdi ne oldu Bayan Carlottes?
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Bak, genç bayan,.
Yes, i think i am ready to have a... "conversation" with Her! Nicky, my step-Mommy is quite strict, and She will not like the way i am acting. After all, i am a princess. i am a good girl, and i DESERVE to go to the party!
Mommy... disagrees! (YAY!) She reminds me that She... OWNS my ass, and i will obey Her, and do anything She wants!
She growls at me "sinny, get into POSITION!" i pout, and then gently bite my lip. i feel my face flush, turning red, humilated. UTTERLY humiliated.
She compliments me "good girl!", and a chill races up my body, a chill of pride, such a simple compliment makes me wet, and i am shivering with excitement! She opens my night stand, and removes several.. toys.
i can't help but feel like we are being watched! That painting.. the one on the wall of a pirate named Captain Arthur... it is watching us! i warn Her, and She SPANKS my pussy!!! The thought is immediately forgotten as She takes me!!!
i am covered in sweat, all over. my pussy is soaked. She is on me, taking me, doing wonderful things to me, and making me do things to Her! For Her! To pleasure Her!!! FUUUUUCK! i LOVE Her! She is so Dominant, so agressive, She takes what She wants, and i am helpless, i am submissive, i melt, and am simply along for the ride as... She uses my body for Her pleasure!
She left me a trembling mess. i was covered in sweat, trembling, trying to stop cumming. She growled at me "OKAY. Now that i am done with yew, you can go to the party." i whimpered, and whispered "no thank Yew." Her grey eyes lit up, sparkling. She kissed my forehead and whispered... "good girl."